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Pure Magnesium Oil (4 fl oz)

Formulated for topical use, myKore Essentials’ concentrated mineral spray begins rapid absorption immediately upon contact with skin. This ensures you receive maximum health benefits that: Reduce muscle stiffness, spasms, and cramps Promotes natural muscle recovery Lowers levels of inflammation (joint pain) Relieves headaches and migraines Supports relaxation and sleep Improves energy levels Our pure magnesium oil is made with USP grade ingredients sourced directly from the Dead Sea.
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  • Pure Magnesium Oil (4 fl oz)

    Formulated for topical use, myKore Essentials’ concentrated mineral spray begins rapid absorption immediately upon contact with skin. This ensures you receive maximum health benefits that:

    • Reduce muscle stiffness, spasms, and cramps
    • Promotes natural muscle recovery
    • Lowers levels of inflammation (joint pain)
    • Relieves headaches and migraines
    • Supports relaxation and sleep
    • Improves energy levels

    Our pure magnesium oil is made with USP grade ingredients sourced directly from the Dead Sea. Our proprietary blend of natural occurring trace minerals contained in pure water from Aguas de Lindoia, distilled water, USP Grade Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate is uniquely formulated to provide rapid relief upon application.

    Directions for Use

    1. Spray (2-3 times daily) onto arms, legs or sore muscles and joints
    2. Massage magnesium oil thoroughly but lightly into skin for maximum absorption
    3. Repeat as needed and keep stored in a cool, dry place
  • Pure Magnesium Oil (4 fl oz) - Reviews

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    I Didn't Expect it to Work




    I’m a horse trainer and dressage enthusiast. I'm pretty hard on my body and experience the normal aches and pains of an athlete. Recently, I was experiencing some pain in my hand which was limiting my general functioning and was concerning me. I took a few things but nothing seemed to help.

    A friend of mine gave me a bottle of myKore Essentials Magnesium Oil and suggested I spray it on 3 times per day - to my surprise, it eliminated the pain completely.  In this business aches and pains are common. I'm definitely going to keep a bottle of myKore handy for future use. 

    Karson - Tampa, Florida
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    Worked for both myself and my sister




    I’ve always lived with pain on my left foot due to the syndrome that I have that is called Marie Charcot, that generates malformation in some member of our body.

    In my case, it was in the left foot.  A very good friend of mine suggested I started daily use of the myKore Magnesium Oil spray, and some massage, I felt a great relief from the pain that I have always had! It was magical, I feel like another person (without daily pain).

    My sister’s been using the myKore Magnesium Oil on her lower back, she used to have lumbar pain and the spray has been reducing the discomfort of the lumbar lower back.We are both very happy and satisfied with it!Looking forward to buying more of these amazing products!

    Luiz - Brazil
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    works good




    My name is Jose, I am a farmer in Chapadinha Brazil; my lower back and shoulders are sore after my long days of plowing, planting and all of the other farm work taking care of the animals.

    The owner bought me myKore magnesium oil which I use every night and other times when my muscles are sore.  I don’t know how I would be able to do my work and get through my days without it!

    jose - Chapadinha, Brazil
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    I have had several surprises after beginning my myKore Essentials Magnesium




    I have had several surprises after beginning my myKore Essentials Magnesium on September 11, 2018. This is an indication to me that I was in need of this mineral. 

    My skin has become much softer and smoother. Interestingly, I have less body hair, especially on my arms and legs. I am sleeping better and longer. I have significantly less connective tissue pain and some reduction in stiffness. I find my memory, which I thankfully do not consider a problem, even better, faster, than it was.

    I have had a few odd manifestations with which I have been able to deal by changing my application locations. The bottoms of my feet dried out, shriveled like I had been too long in a pool, and eventually, after stopping applying it there, sloughed off painlessly and completely. The soles of my feet are now fine. I developed an itchy rash on my chest which also disappeared when I ceased applying the magnesium to that area.

    All in all using this magnesium has been a very beneficial experience. I have recommended it to several friends. 

    Of course, as in all things, I wish it was less expensive, or at least have free shipping. (I am 74 and it is a lot.) 

    Thank you for providing for me something I so clearly needed!!

     Linda Hughes 
    Camp Hill, PA 

    Linda Hughes - Camp Hill, PA
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    Surprised it worked




    I recently tried Pure Magnesium Oil as I suffer from chronic pain. I found the spray to work best as a topical application to help manage minor aches and pains.

    I’ve applied to my hands and directly to the surface of my skin where aches occur and found it did provide relief with some light massage. It worked very well as well after applied fresh out of the shower. My son also is also experiencing bad growing pains in his legs as of late. We found it helped him sleep much better when applied to his legs before bedtime. I hope others find it to be a great addition to their pain management and therapy as well my family has.

    Aaron - Toronto, Canada
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    Works well for my dermatitis




    I’ve had contact dermatitis on my fingertips for almost 9 years.  I’ve used several medications, including the natural ointments, some were good, some did not do much and every month I have dryness, cuts, and eczemas ruptures.

    I have recently started putting on my fingertips the myKore Magnesium oil spray and I have noticed that the cuts, the eczemas have gotten more spaced and they heal a little faster too.

    I’ll keep using it, hope it continues to reduce gradually

    Wlad - New York, New York
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    relieved dermatitis
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