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Magnesium Benefits, Dosage Recommendations, And Best Types


There are so many important ways that magnesium supports our good health. But in reality, a magnesium deficiency is one of the most common there is in adults. An estimated 80 percent of people are deficient in this mineral, so it may be a good idea to consider a supplement, in addition to an assessment of your diet. There is plenty of magnesium to be found in leafy greens, legumes, and nuts and seeds too, so adding these to your diet is a very smart idea.

Magnesium is a factor in over 300 important biochemical functions in the body, having to do with everything from healthy heartbeat rhythms to facilitating neurotransmitter functions.

What Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is an essential mineral and also an electrolyte. Some of the main functions it performs include:

  • Regulation of blood pressure
  • Strengthening bones
  • Balancing nitric oxide in the body
  • Supporting the proper function of nerves, muscles, and tissue
  • Neutralizing stomach acid
  • Preventing constipation
  • Helping convert the food we eat into energy

Although we don’t need a lot of magnesium relative to other nutrients, we must regularly replenish our stores if we want to avoid a deficiency. Our body is constantly using magnesium in its normal functions, over 300 of them remember, so we need to keep giving it what it needs to work.

Health Benefits Of Magnesium

1. Helps Increase Energy

Magnesium creates “energy” in the body by activating adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. Without enough magnesium, you can suffer from fatigue more easily. One study found that when magnesium-deficient women exercised, their bodies required more oxygen and had a higher heart rate than women whose levels were higher.

2. Calms Nerves and Anxiety

Magnesium is needed for healthy GABA function, which produces “feel-good hormones” such as serotonin. Magnesium also regulates hormones that are responsible for promoting relaxation. A 2012 study looked at magnesium-deficient mice, and found that they displayed anxiety-related behaviors when compared to mice who were given supplements.

3. Treats Insomnia and Helps You Fall Asleep

Magnesium may help quiet a racing mind, making it easier to get a good night’s sleep. Our circadian rhythms change, in particular as we age, thanks to our decreased nutrient consumption and a lower nutrient absorption. This can put us at risk for insomnia.

In an experiment where 46 patients were given magnesium supplements or a placebo, the group taking magnesium supplements experienced a significant increase in sleep time, an easier time falling asleep, higher concentrations of melatonin (the hormone responsible for inducing sleepiness) and lower levels of cortisol, which are associated with stress.

The Recommended Daily Allowance of Magnesium

How much magnesium should we consume each day? According to the National Institute of Health, these are the RDAs for magnesium, broken down by age:

  • Infants–6 months: 30 milligrams
  • 7–12 months: 75 milligrams
  • 1–3 years: 80 milligrams
  • 4–8 years: 130 milligrams
  • 9–13 years: 240 milligrams
  • 14–18 years: 410 milligrams for men; 360 milligrams for women
  • 19–30 years: 400 milligrams for men; 310 milligrams for women
  • Adults 31 years and older: 420 milligrams for men; 320 milligrams for women
  • Pregnant women: 350–360 milligrams
  • Women who are breastfeeding: 310–320 milligrams

Unless your doctor recommends otherwise, 300–400 mg of magnesium taken daily is plenty. For children, magnesium is safe in doses of between 65 to 100 mg/day depending on age, or up to 350 mg/day for children older than 8 years.

The best supplement to take is typically the kind that dissolves easily in liquid… these are most readily absorbed into the gut and bloodstream.

Are you considering supplementing with Magnesium?


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>>Did you know that 80% of Americans are Magnesium Deficient and it is leading to a myriad of health issues? This deficiency just might be might be the source of all your symptoms download our free comprehensive guide: “The Magnesium Solution Solving the Biggest Deficiency in America”<<
