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Hypomagnesemia: What To Know About Low Magnesium


Some illnesses are so common that everyone and their dog could list remedies off the top of their head. You’ve got a cold? Up your vitamin C intake and stock up on cough drops. Bad headache? Hold some ice to your head, drink water, and take a nap. Diarrhea? Drink clear fluids and follow the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast). Easy peasy. But there’s another common condition that goes almost completely unnoticed and untreated. It’s called hypomagnesemia, or having low magnesium levels in the body. And the worst part is it affects almost 50% of Americans. (1)

What Low Magnesium Does To Your Body

People don’t often talk about magnesium, much less about what it means to be magnesium deficient. In fact, most healthy people won’t show symptoms of low magnesium at all. But magnesium deficiency can actually be really dangerous. (2)

Low magnesium is associated with a number of serious health conditions, including the following.

  • Asthma
  • Osteoporosis
  • Preeclampsia
  • Migraines
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Cancer
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • ADHD
  • Cataract
  • Chronic kidney disease (3)

So if the long scary name, hypomagnesemia, doesn’t scare you, a number of the above conditions probably will.

How Do I Know If I Have Low Magnesium Levels?

As you can see, it’s crucial that you make sure your body has all the magnesium it needs to keep you healthy. But how are you supposed to know when your magnesium supply is getting low? As mentioned above, some people may not show signs or symptoms of low magnesium. But if you do, these are the things you’re going to want to look out for.

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Muscle cramps (2)

Additionally, the following could cause low magnesium levels. If you have experience with anything from this list, you may want to double-check your magnesium intake.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Diabetes
  • Organ failure
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Elderly
  • Taking medications such as diuretics or proton pump inhibitors

How Do I Get More Magnesium?

At this point, I’m sure you want to avoid hypomagnesemia at all costs. But how do you do that exactly? This is where a magnesium supplement may really come in handy. But you may not be a fan of choking down a pill every morning. Or maybe you already have a handful or two that you have to swallow down. Either way, magnesium spray is going to make your life a whole lot easier.

MyKore Essentials magnesium chloride spray is simple, quick, and extremely effective. Just spray directly onto the skin, and let your body absorb what it needs. Additionally, magnesium chloride is the most bioavailable type of this mineral. This means your body can really put the magnesium to good use. (5)

Don’t Let Low Magnesium Get You Down

If you recognize any of the above symptoms or conditions, try magnesium spray and say goodbye to those aches and pains. Or, maybe you’re not so positive that hypomagnesemia is an issue for you. Still, it’s pretty likely that you could benefit from an extra dose of magnesium as well. Whatever you do, don’t let low magnesium levels get you down!

>>Did you know that 80% of Americans are Magnesium Deficient and it is leading to a myriad of health issues? This deficiency just might be might be the source of all your symptoms download our free comprehensive guide: “The Magnesium Solution Solving the Biggest Deficiency in America”<<

A Personal Testimonial

Screen-Shot-2019-06-10-at-11.41.03-AM-copy(1).pngI don’t often align myself with products but this is one that I just had to share! My name is Michelle Toole and I am the founder of

Some of you may already know, years ago, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

I can still recall what it felt like to have my life change overnight…

I went from an Executive Director of a non-profit organization, running marathons, rock climbing, hiking canyons and kayaking to being completely bedridden and staring at a wall for 15 hours a day.

Of course, I went to see many doctors but unfortunately I didn’t find the help I needed. So, I had to set off on my own journey to learn my true path to healing.

I’d pretty much turned-over every rock trying to find relief for my pain, sleep issues and a myriad of other symptoms…

Fast-forward 18 years.

I was determined to climb one of the true wonders of the natural world, Machu Picchu, the mystical home of the Incas in Peru.

It was there, after a grueling day when my feet, knees, legs, and lower back hurt so bad, that I thought I would have to abandon hopes of our next climb which was Rainbow Mountain! That night I pulled out a little spray bottle of “aceite de magnesio” that a friend had given me before I left on my trip.

What the heck, I thought. I was desperate. And I applied it all over my body before bed.

Because of the grueling day, I woke up expecting to be immobilized, but instead we were off to climb Rainbow Mountain and…I was totally pain-free!

I know it sounds impossible, but it’s 1000% the truth.


