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Feel The Magic Of Magnesium


If you think about it, our bodies are like an incredible symphony. With so many components, and a necessary contribution from each one, it’s amazing that so many of us are as healthy as we are. It’s also completely unsurprising that our levels of certain components… vitamins and minerals… may sometimes be a little off.

Perhaps our diet is not as balanced as we’d like it to be. Or our body needed a bunch of vitamin C to fight off a cold last month, and we haven’t replenished yet as we should have. Magnesium is a mineral that’s essential to our good health, but if we don’t have enough, we might find ourselves in a funk. If you’ve been bummed out lately, and you’ve tried the usual remedies to no avail, it may help to know that magnesium has a significant impact on our mood. Have you been getting enough?

Magnificent Magnesium

It might not be the kind of thing that you’d readily consider, but it’s good to know how much magnesium affects us, and how important it is to our overall health. Magnesium is one of 16 minerals that are essential for optimal health and is the 4th most abundant mineral in our body. Magnesium is a necessary component in hundreds of bodily processes including making protein, muscle contraction, keeping nerves healthy, and the proper functioning of our immune system.

Magnesium also serves another interesting and important function… it supports our brain health. Magnesium helps modulate NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors in the brain, which control memory function as well as the brain’s ability to modify thoughts and feelings. The receptors, when healthy, contribute to the smooth functioning of the brain and keep our mood bright.

But when magnesium levels are not optimal, the opposite happens. In fact, one 2011 study found a very strong link between low magnesium intake and a major depressive disorder. The conclusion was that nutritional supplementation with magnesium should be studied more closely as an option for prevention and treatment of depressive disorders.

Supplementing With Magnesium

Magnesium is found in a wide variety of foods, including leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. Nutritional supplements are available too, of course, but it’s really important to choose the specific type that you take, with an understanding that there are several different types of magnesium available. Magnesium lactate, magnesium chloride, magnesium citrate, and magnesium oxide are all options, but each of these specific types has a different bioavailability.

What does this mean to you? The short answer is that your body will most readily absorb magnesium lactate, but magnesium oxide is what you’ll often find in drug store supplements. Magnesium oxide has low bioavailability, which means exactly what it sounds like: it just doesn’t speak your body’s language like magnesium lactate does. It’s not as “available” to your body. So, as ever, it’s important to read the labels and know what you’re putting into it.

Get lots of magnesium from a variety of good-for-you foods, and supplement with quality products from reliable sources. Your brain, body, and mood will thank you!

Are you considering supplementing with Magnesium?


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>>Did you know that 80% of Americans are Magnesium Deficient and it is leading to a myriad of health issues? This deficiency just might be might be the source of all your symptoms download our free comprehensive guide: “The Magnesium Solution Solving the Biggest Deficiency in America”<<
